Blink;Tech Test Drives Facebook’s Newest Ad Type
Facebook has made it clear to businesses and marketers: If you want to get in front of their billion-and-a-half active users, you’ll have to pay to play. However, in return for your [...]
Facebook has made it clear to businesses and marketers: If you want to get in front of their billion-and-a-half active users, you’ll have to pay to play. However, in return for your [...]
The simple look of the Google search page hasn’t changed much since its inception back in the late 1990s, nor has its function: You type in the terms for what you want to search, and Google [...]
Although there is a lot of information on the Internet about how to optimize your chances of getting your content to go viral, there is little information on what to do when it happens. So when [...]
Ask our clients or anyone who has spent any time with the Blink;Tech staff and they will tell you: We go on endlessly about the importance of carefully crafted blog content. Really, we [...]
Since its launch four years ago, Instagram has grown from the 2011 “iPhone App of the Year” that gained one million members in its first two months, to one of the most-used apps on [...]
Change. It’s never easy, but it’s always inevitable. As a tech company, change is something we deal with a lot. It’s the core of our business. And we’ve learned that when [...]
Over the last few years, a number of alternative payment systems have emerged, and the list keeps growing. With the onset of geo-fencing technology and near field communication (NFC), it is now [...]
As much time as we all spend on social media, it’s very easy to overlook one of the single most important aspects of our online presence: our profiles. Whether writing a personal bio or [...]
“Your number-one job is to tell your story to the consumer wherever they are, and preferably at the moment they are deciding to make a purchase.” — Gary Vaynerchuk If you dig [...]
When it comes to discussions about leveraging social media platforms for business marketing, Tumblr doesn’t often come up. This is, perhaps, a travesty. The socially-driven microblogging [...]