Looking Back on Some Recent Blink;Tech Successes
Now that tax day is behind us, we thought it would be both refreshing and fun to take a look at some of the successes we’ve had with our clients over the past few months and share with you [...]
Now that tax day is behind us, we thought it would be both refreshing and fun to take a look at some of the successes we’ve had with our clients over the past few months and share with you [...]
As with any topic concerning Google, a mountain of speculation surrounds that “+1” button on Google+ and how to respond to the universal conclusion that +1s help improve search [...]
When Google unveiled its new search algorithm on Sept. 26, to tell truth, most people didn’t notice. In fact, most people had no idea it had already been in operation for about a month. We [...]
Search engine optimizers (SEOs) often say Google uses bounce rate to judge website quality. In fact, that is only partly true. At SMX West 2012, Danny Sullivan asked two search engine [...]
In 2012, the web grew, shifted, and changed more quickly than ever. In addition to increased traffic, Google and other search engines have changed the face of the web by introducing improvements [...]
The Four Kinds of Keywords and Their Stories Like many companies, you want to increase traffic to your website. You are already paying for PPC advertising with well-researched keywords. Is there [...]
According to Wikipedia, web engineering “focuses on the methodologies, techniques, and tools that are the foundation of web application development and which support their design, [...]
Ok, let’s say that you have so far followed our advice and generated quality images for your site by hiring a professional photographer and/or a professional graphic artist. You’ve [...]
In 2011, Google introduced Panda to the world. Panda is what they call the change to the Google’s search results ranking algorithm. According to Wikipedia, the intention was to “lower [...]