In Internet Marketing, Tech Trends

With all the buzz around artificial intelligence (AI) and how it’s going to revolutionize everything in our lives including digital marketing, it’s difficult not to buy into the idea that everything is different now. It’s as if a marketing tool or platform isn’t not driven by AI, it no longer has any value to marketers. This actually couldn’t be further from the truth. 

The reality is that AI is merely a tool to assist marketers in applying their craft and it has to some degree been around for quite a while. We are all familiar with the many algorithms that, good or bad, seem to rule our lives on the internet these days. Those algorithms are closely related to AI, and in many cases actually are a form of AI themselves.

So with all this AI, why do we still need to hone our old school marketing skills?

The Foundations of Internet Marketing

Old-school internet marketing methods are built upon the fundamental goals of capturing attention, driving traffic, and generating sales or leads. The many old school marketing strategies and techniques all excel at playing their part in delivering compelling content to a potential customer and creating meaningful interactions designed to gain trust, and ultimately, brand loyalty.

Whether you use AI or not, these are still the goals you should be striving for and refining those old school marketing skills will allow you to utilize AI marketing programs more effectively. It may not always be this way, but for now, the human touch is critical to effective marketing.

Integrating AI with Old-School Digital Marketing

How AI can be a real boon to that old school marketing foundation is by handling vast amounts of data quickly, providing you with deeper insights into the behavior of your customers, helping with more precise targeting, and automating repetitive tasks. By properly leveraging AI, old-school internet marketers can have a distinct advantage in the marketplace. They can put more focus on direct customer communication and building brand trust and loyalty, all while taking advantage of the efficiency and effectiveness of AI.

Adapting to Trends and Market Changes

Old school marketing methods have always been extremely adaptable to trends and changes in the marketplace. So too should whatever AI tools and strategies you implement. Because the better AI marketing tools out there were designed to serve the needs and skills of digital marketers, they generally also serve that core foundation of internet marketing to some degree. The key is to vet your AI integrations well before implementing them to make sure customer trust and communication is in no way compromised.

AI Has Only Made Old-School Marketing Skills More Important

Rather than rendering old-school marketing methods obsolete, AI has offered a powerful new way to improve upon those methods, allowing marketers more efficient and effective ways to approach their work and serve those fundamental goals of capturing attention, driving traffic, and generating sales.

If you have questions regarding AI or marketing for your business, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us at (941) 548-9950 or send us a message

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