In Internet Marketing, Tech Trends

When saying “Artificial Intelligence” out loud, it can sound scary or like something from a futuristic sci-fi movie, like the flying cars from the Jetsons cartoons. The interesting thing is, we all have been using AI for many years now, yet many people don’t realize it. Whether you’ve searched on Google, posted on social media, or basically used any other web-based platform, you have used AI. So it’s time for small businesses to forget about how scary it seems, and try dipping your feet into the AI pool a little further. Here’s how your business can do exactly that! 

How Do Businesses Use Artificial Intelligence?

From analytics to customer service to financial oversight, AI is everywhere in business. But that doesn’t mean you have to incorporate AI into everything your business does! Starting small can help ease your business into AI, and here are just a few areas to consider to get things moving:

  1. Marketing – Whether it’s social media posts, email marketing, or other CRM processes, AI can help streamline marketing plans and make processes more efficient. And don’t forget content generation, as long as you still keep it authentic and original!
  2. Customer Service – By incorporating chatbots and the like, businesses can help improve customer service so that response volume is increased and the more complex issues have the focus of your agents. 
  3. Personalized Customer Recommendations – Personalized recommendations not only improve the atmosphere around customer service, but allowing AI to analyze the data can improve the outcomes with targeted messaging based on the consumer data.
  4. Automation of Business Tasks and Tools – Repetitive tasks can be automated to improve the efficiency and output, and allows employees to focus on more important tasks.
  5. Fraud Detection – By using AI algorithms, businesses can detect fraud in transactional data more quickly than ever before.
  6. Data Analytics – AI can take a large amount of information and parse it into digestible graphs and statistics in order to make decisions that will help grow the business.

Seeking Out AI Powered Programs and Platforms for Your Business

Once you decide where you want to start, the next question is how? First, take a look at the problem that you’re trying to solve. What do you already have and what do you need? This is where you seek out AI powered programs and platforms – search the internet and see what options come up, and then all you have to do is play! By testing out different platforms and programs, you will come to see what works best for your situation, and then you can decide on a finalist. After some due diligence for security purposes, it’s time to implement. Whether you are the sole user or if you work with a team, this is where you see if AI was worthwhile – it might take some time, but with a little patience, and possibly some adapting, the results should hopefully meet or exceed your expectations. 

Letting AI Come to You

If you choose to not incorporate AI in your small business just yet, know that it may already be happening whether you like it or not. From marketing services to accounting and more, AI is becoming more and more relied upon in all areas of daily business. We suggest exploring how the platforms you are using are already implementing AI, so that you’ll be aware of the opportunities that are already at your fingertips. Knowledge is power, so it’s best to embrace the inevitable with a thorough understanding of what’s at play. 

The Advantage of Hiring Marketing Experts

A moment ago we discussed how to find AI platforms and programs for your business, and we said it was important to play and test out the options. However, your small business may not have the personnel to do this, so what can be done? Hiring marketing experts can be beneficial in so many ways, including the vetting of AI tools. By having a dedicated staff of marketers who can sort through all the confusion of AI marketing, your business can focus on the important stuff while getting all the frills of a dedicated marketing team. 

If your small business is ready to take its first steps into AI but you don’t want to do it alone, contact us today. Blink;Tech is your tech partner, and we are here to help you through the new world of AI.

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