In Google, Internet Marketing

The Internet of is the main resource for practically all business marketing. In order for any business to be successful, mastering the ability to create compelling callouts and calls to action in order to provide the user with a clear path forward and a nudge to guide him or her to the end of your marketing funnel. But not all businesses use effective callouts in their advertising, losing a very easy opportunity to gain new sales. Is your business utilizing callouts effectively in your advertising? Read on to find out!

Is the Content of the Callout Compelling?

Here at Blink;Tech we love saying “Content is King”, and when it comes to callouts, the content must be compelling otherwise it won’t pique the interest of the user. But how can you make sure that your callout content is compelling? 

First of all, the content must be relative to what you are selling and what the user wants. If you’re selling jewelry but a callout is referencing a process or an app’s recent update, it’s not really focused on what is being sold or desired by the user. 

Secondly, a callout must be readable – and not just in language. As a user looks at the overall layout, what should stand out is the wording, not the overall layout itself. The words need to pop and be the focus of the callout itself. 

Lastly, be brief! Brevity and concise language is your friend in callouts, and trying to add in everything will lose all sales potential. 

Is the Purpose of the Callout Clear?

Earlier, we mentioned both callouts and calls to action, and for the purpose of this blog, we are focusing on callouts. Though they are very similar in what they do, callouts are more of a visual aid that can be laid out around the main content and doesn’t require a link or button. Therefore, the purpose of the callout itself must be very clear. The callout focuses on key ideas and enhances the marketing funnel, so specificity is needed to graphically highlight why the user should choose your product.

Are Your Callouts Consistent with Your Brand?

Just like any other marketing, callouts should also remain brand-consistent. Whether being used in Google Ads or within an app, callouts should remain consistent in branding both visually and within the messaging. All ads should follow company guidelines set forth by the marketing department, but adjusted for the particular channel being used. Building brand awareness through marketing can lead to increased revenue just for being memorable and trustworthy – never underestimate the power of excellent branding!

Are Your Callouts Effective for Mobile Users? 

All analytics show that mobile usage has taken over the lead for how users get their information, so be sure that any callouts created are optimized for mobile technology. Google Ads offer the ability to “mobile optimize” the ad, as well as remove anything desktop-specific, to allow for direct click-throughs for conversions. Businesses need to take advantage of these opportunities or risk losing potential sales. 

If your business is in need of marketing help, Blink;Tech is here to be your Tech and Marketing partner! Contact us today and see what we can do for you!

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