The old adage “A picture is worth a thousand words” means that a complex idea can be conveyed with just a single still image. More and more, small-business owners who are looking to strengthen their brand are using visual elements-photographs and short videos-on their websites. Doing so is an effective technique to demonstrate the character and spirit of what the company does and who the company people are. This is a terrific marketing tool as it gets viewers engaged and connected with your business.
Because of the growing importance of photos and video in online marketing, let’s discuss how small-business owners can get the best results from the videos they create.
Because you want your customers to instantly “get” what your company does, display images of your personnel interacting with your products, be it loading boxes onto a truck that has your logo on it, conducting scientific research in a lab wearing your company’s uniform, or jumping out of a plane with your product in hand. How about a video? It is true that the experience of audio/video online will engage your viewers even more than still images and text.
So should you use your smartphone images to this end? Probably not the best idea. It is important to have high-quality imagery on your site as a way to convey a sense of high-quality products. Low-quality images may send a message of inferior value. And stock images diminish the impact of the company’s individuality. What makes a good image is the quality of the equipment and the skill of the person using the equipment. High resolution is vital when viewing in print and/or on big screens. To do that, you must use excellent equipment to capture good imagery. Digital enhancements can only go so far; low quality photos will never be improvable enough to be dazzling.
The audio component of your videos also must be top-drawer. They should be scripted and the sound clear and crisp. Otherwise, you will lose your audience with one fast click of the mouse. Also, give a great deal of thought to the content, the location of the shoot, titles and captions, and transitions. The end product-your online promotional imagery-should be relevant, unique, and genuine as well as high quality. Pretend you are the viewer of your website; what would keep you absorbed?
After all your careful planning, when actually producing the imagery and footage, you will not have trouble finding full-service professional web spaces development companies to make your plans bring sparkle and life to your site.
Use images and videos to enrich the user experience online and maximize the benefit photos and video bring to your business!